IV Russian-Chinese Congress on Cardiovascular Diseases Treatment 2024

The IV Eurasian (Russian-Chinese) Congress is planned to be held on November 27-28, 2024 in the city of Ufa on the treatment of cardiovascular diseases (hereinafter referred to as the Congress) with the participation of leading cardiologists, scientists, cardiovascular surgeons, therapists, general practitioners, intensive care, diagnostics specialists, etc.
The events of the Congress will contribute to closer international cooperation on current issues of cardiology, the exchange of accumulated experience in the formation and promotion of healthy lifestyle priorities, prolongation of active longevity, further development and improvement of the quality of specialized, including high-tech medical care for the population, as well as advanced training of cardiologists, cardiovascular surgeons, therapists, general practitioners, doctors of other related specialties.
At the Congress, current issues of the most important aspects of specialized cardiology provision, consolidation of expert and scientific potential in the field of provision of specialized cardiac care, and creation of effective programs for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases will be considered.
During the Congress, the live surgery/arrhythmological intervention cases will be presented, as well as the young investigators' section and basic science sections.
The participation of specialists from the Russian Federation, CIS countries, and abroad is expected. Among the Russian participants, there are main experts from the Republics, territories, and regions on the topics of the Congress.
As part of the Congress, an exhibition of achievements of the domestic and foreign medical industry will be organized.
Congress venue: “Congress Hall Toratau”, 450076, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Zaki Validi st., 2.
Dates: November 27-28, 2024.
Form of participation: online/offline participation in the scientific and educational program, reports.
Contact numbers: Khusainova Elina Maratovna omorkd@mail.ru; +79174747116, Kovrigina Natalya Filaretovna, tntufa@inbox.ru; +79173440813, Dr. Naufal Zagidullin, +79625467622, znaufal@mail.ru (international guests)